Friday, May 15, 2015

Final Plans


1 comment:

  1. Looking at these plans, one has to wonder where all of the development during the entire semester went. While there are most likely some nicely drawn details and ff&e items from Graphic Standards, there is no indication of this functioning or flowing as a cohesive building. Although a valid observation that there is no graphic quality to the drawings, including but not limited to layout, fromatting or annotation, this is the least of the problems here.

    There is no indication of any hierarchy. Everything is in the same lineweight, save for cut lines. There i no indication of any quality of partition other than big and heavy. Imagine a house. Not every wall is framed exactly the same.

    Although a great effort to include the honeycomb tubes in the overall composition, they do not serve your parti. They neither provide structure, nor circulation, nor organization. Further, the rendering style is very amateurish (even if you are just learning to render and 3-D model). the scaling of the texture maps is off and the inclusion of planes of translucent material to indicate glass just do not make the modelling efforts bear fruit.
