Monday, May 18, 2015

Final Video

Final Lumion Video


  1. I applaud the effort that went into this video. Part of the professionalism necessary to survive (much less succeed) in this field is possessing judgement and objectivity. Sometimes, no matter how hard you work the end result will end up hurting your overall cause.

    This walk-through has several distracting factors. The strobe-ing lighting which makes the shadows flicker and change is exceedingly distracting. Likewise the entouraged people that are walking nowhere are very disturbing. There is no indication of interior vs exterior. Even in a glazed over environment which has exterior finishes, the atmosphere would be different. The materiality is further problematic in that the scale of the texture maps is off. It reads like late 90's first person shooter video games where the environment was an afterthought second to killing the (fill in type of baddie here). It is unclear if the entry and exit sequences are though intended locations which are not properly modeled, or if they are random penetrations into the skin of the building.

    More disappointing is that the video serves to point out the superfluous nature of the honeycomb tubes that are supporting? or circulating? or accenting? your building. The entry sequence would not be navigable as it is way too steep. Overall the circulation problems are just made more evident with the animation.

  2. Dear Fatima,

    I advice you for the next project to change the methodology of work.Don't try in beginning to do someting very impressive. Do a simple, not ambitious variant. Be sure to have a well functioning building. Then try to improve it step by step, keeping the same organization but changing the shape.

