Friday, March 20, 2015

Hybrid and Scaled Study Models

This is my 1st attempt at a Hybrid model of my smaller study models. I was trying to combine the rubber bands, aluminum poles, balsa wood and, white plastic to form more spaces. I was still a bit lost so I continued to make study models in scale according to my lot size.
 My 1st attempt at a scaled model I used only chip board. This is an unfinished model, but it starts to explain how I am thinking about my site. Try to imagine the "floors" extruded upward to become spaces. I was playing around with the idea of multiple floors shifting, and some type of organic facade. 
For my 2nd attempt, I played around with the concept of a floating building since my site is in a flood zone.This model is also unfinished, but again does a good job at representing where I am in my design phase. Picture the glass poles as circulation, as structure, and also as design. I want these poles to start to form a shape other than just a tube. While making this model I started to come up with ideas that I further developed on rhino, like having my building start to bend/shift in the direction of the pole to start to create a bond between both parts of my building. I don't want the "poles" to be plotted down arbitrarily.

In these drawings/notes, I started to clearly spell out the ideas in my head. I created a rough massing in rhino of my last scaled model, and then started to draw over it the ideas I have in joining these two lots as one.


  1. Your sketches are so clear and precise. This really captures what we talked about during class on Wednesday... I cannot wait to see where your project goes.

  2. I love the sketch-over technique. Without the aid of having been in the discussion last week, there is a little"something" that is not yet talking to me with the models ...YET. I am excited to see the clarity come forth in the next steps...
