Monday, March 23, 2015

Private Building Notes / Ideas / Sketches

 This is the evolution of my stair/tube enclosure. I found that the original size of the tube was WAY too big, so I started to play around with the organization of the stair layout and tried to close the "gap" of the tubes walls and the stair landings to as minimal as possible. I feel as though the next step for my stairs is to figure out what type of design I want. The skeleton, or the mullions that start to create a more interesting enclosure, and not a solid concrete wall.


  1. It feels that you are focused in, laser accurate on a rather small detail and are missing the rest of the site development. THe stair is a great element to explore, especially if it is to become a central element of the building. However, if it does not interact with something equally thought-out, it will be a wasted effort. At this point, take the same level of pass at the entire organization and massing of the building and then come back to the stairs. The questions that you pose in your text about the skin or mullion patterns, etc, can be answered by the rest of the building.

    1. I think I have chosen this "laser" focus / accurate approach on my stair because in past designs, I leave my circulation as the last thing I figure out, and I always end up stuck because I already fall in love with my layout of spaces and the moments that I create, that fitting a regulation stair in, always becomes a problem for me.
      So, for this design, this time around, I want to approach the designing of my building from the circulation aspect 1st. I want to make sure this idea of my circulation inside of these "tubular enclosures" stick. And then from there start to work on my plans.
